Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Series of 3 idea.

This is my idea for the final series of 3 photos.
The theme will be Washington monuments with different effects to each photo.
Maybe, maybe not, if I can make them cohesive and come up with a defense of why I am doing them and what they all mean and what am I trying to say???????????

Digital painting

This is my first digital rainforest painting.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Masterpiece Study

This is a christmas present for my husband. Maybe a few christmas cards too. Have a very merry christmas.

I think my dog is naughtier too!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

photomontage - Brainstorming



Bobbi Piasecki

It was a dark and stormy night with occasional glimpses of light flashing from the clouds of thunder and lightening. I was up late trying to write a story I had stuck in my head. A short time later, my eyes started to blur as the call to sleep came from body. Between writers block and the lack of sleep, the words for my story stayed deep inside my mind. So I decided to lie down and get some sleep.

Several minutes later, I could feel my mind and body were still at unrest from constant tossing and turning. I didn’t know if this was caused by the storm or my unsettledness with my story progress. Eventually, my mind seemed to drift in and out of a dreamlike state until I thought I had finally succumbed to a deep sleep. When suddenly, I was awakened to the sounds of voices calling out to me.

I got out of bed and followed the echoing voices. As I walked closer to their sounds it became clear as to what they were saying, “What are your deepest analytical thoughts?” and “What are your greatest fears?” The voices led me to a closed door. When I opened it I saw a room filled with beautiful flowers and the sun shining through a large open window. In the center of the room there was a large desk and chair. On top of the desk lay a pen and some paper. Now, I understood what the voices were trying to tell me and I sat down to begin writing.

This time the words came easily to me, crashing down unto the paper with each thunderous strike of lightening. This brainstorm was filled with haunting ideas of a terror driven tale. A tale so frightening, it was guaranteed to make ones flesh creep, curdle the blood and strike terror into those who dare read it.

The words continued to come down like heavy rain pouring my deepest fears onto the blank paper. Although I was surrounded by the false sense of security from the flowers and open window, I still felt as though I was sitting on pins and needles. My heart was in a state of quake and my mouth was bone dry as I was scared spit less. My body continually quivered as I held the pen in my trembling hand inscribing the terror driven words onto the innocent pages.

Eventually, exhaustion and contentment replaced my unsettledness and fears. As a result, a horror story emerged so intensely frightening it would have scared the hell out of Stephen King and propelled the reader into a state of perpetual nightmares. My nightmares.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'd rather be photo

I'd rather be sitting on the beach sipping a tequila sunrise.

Partner Portrait - apple tree fairies

This is Brenda, Ka'nova and Bobbi hanging from apple tree branches.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Art Review - Contemporary Artist

Artist: Otto Rapp
Title of Artwork: Parthenogenesis
Date of Artwork:
Short Bio: Known as "The Mystic" Otto Rapp was born in Felixdorf, Lower Austria. He lived in Vienna where he also received his education. He served in the Austrian Air Force and traveled throughout Europe. Initially he was self taught as a painter. After emigrating to Canada in 1968 he received his formal education in art from the UofL Fine Arts Department and graduated in 1982 with a BFA. After working for years with the CPR he retired in 2006.

Description (The Facts): Objects - water, horse, villiage, values, depth of field, and shapes.
Analysis (The Design): The focal point is the horst, there is a sense of balance from the position of the horse.

Interpretation (The Meaning): Breaking free from the conformities for society. Persuing freedom and serenity. Being free from a trapped situation.

Judgement: When I seen this picture I felt that it represented how I felt at times. I want to break free from responsibilities I feel trapped in to persue different things and ideas.

Art Review - Traditional Artist

Artist: Rene Magritte

Title of Artwork: The Lovers II, oil on canvas
Date of Artwork: 1928

Short Bio:
Rene Magritte (1898 - 1967) was a Belgian surrealist painter. He studied his art at the Royal Academy of Arts in Brussels which is also where he had his first exhibit in 1927. He was most known for his extraordinary juxtaposition in his art.

Description (The Facts): Objects - figures of a man and a woman and a straight wall, value of shades with only three main colors - red, black, and grey, textures from the smooth wall in the background to the grey cloth on the heads.

Analysis (The Design): Focal point are the man and the woman, light and dark colors with the red in the shirt and the wall creating a sense of balance and rhythm along with the framing from the ceiling and the wall.

Interpretation (The Meaning): The painting depicts a man and a woman trying to kiss each other through shrouded cloth on their heads which hide their identity. The figures with shrouded heads are depicted like several of his other works of art. These figures could be from the dark morbid side of Rene's mind, such as the suffering and suffocation, or they could mean a more lighter take such as from a dark hero he had watched in films as a child who wore a cloth over his head.

Judgement: When I seen this picture, I first thought of the phrase "true rhetoric" to describe this work of art. I see it as a display of love that comes from the heart and soul and is not based on an outwardly appearance.

Part 3 (Compare and contrast): Both artists were born in Europe, Brussels and Austria. Both artists admired and were influenced early in their careers by works from Max Ernst, Ernst Fuchs and other surrealists. Both artists incorporated their sense of realism into surrealist works of art to suggest a point, inspiration, or symbolism. Both artists display a sense of irrationalism and juxtapostion in their reasoning and inspirations for their work. These works of art present another world or life that comes from their inner imaginations of their minds and logic.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


This is my sequence photo of Bobbi Jr. doing cartwheels.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Exposure Mode: Manual
Shutter Speed: 1/1600
Aperture: F5.6
Composition Technique: Stop Action
Element and Principle of Design: Contrast, Value
Murphy was in a mid-bark/jump at dusk when I took two shots of him. The first was adjusting exposure, the second one I caught this.

NSU Monument with Graham Hall

Exposure Mode: Manual
Shutter Speed: 1/160
Aperture: F5.0
Composition Technique: Wide Depth of Field
Element and Principle of Design: Contrast and Space
I wanted to get a photo of the monument with Graham Hall in the background with a variety of nature in between to help create some depth.

Bumper Ride

Exposure Mode: Auto
Shutter Speed: 1.0
Aperture: F2.8
Composition Technique: Blur action
Element and Principle of Design: movement, value
This was one of several shots I took of the kids riding bumper cars. I had to mess with the ap and ss and flash to get this effect.

Blooming Red

Exposure Mode: Manual
Shutter Speed: 1/125
Aperture: F2.8
Composition Technique: Shallow Depth of Field
Element and Principle of Design: Emphasis, Space
This is a flower on campus that stood out among the many other colors around it. It was one of only a few I could get a close up on.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Baby

Composition Technique: Close-up with point of interest
Element or Principle of Design: Emphasis
Exposure Mode: Auto
Aperture: 8.0
Shutter Speed: 1/60

This photo was taken of my Basset Hound, her name is Princess Pumpkin Pie Piasecki, Pumpkin for short. She can say "My Mama!". This is a look that I live with daily, she is a constant poser for shots that evoke emotion.

Sunflower Friend

Composition Technique: Filling Frame
Element or Principle of Design: Contrast, Pattern
Exposure Mode: Manual
Aperture: 8.0
Shutter Speed: 1/1600

This photo was taken in my from yard. It was one of only two surviving giant sunflowers we planted that didn't topple over from our last heavy rains. As a reward for it's determination to stand tall it was visited by a baby bumble bee.

Krikac Hall Window

Composition Technique: Leading Lines
Element or Principle of Design: Lines, Unity
Exposure Mode: Manual
Aperature: 3.2
Shutter Speed: 1/15

This photo was taken in the auditorium of Krikac Hall. It is one of several stained glass windows facing the west side with the full afternoon sun shining in.

Northern Memorial

Composition Technique: Framing Point of Interest
Element or Principle of Design: Emphasis, Pattern
Exposure Mode: Manual
Aperture: 4.1
Shutter Speed: 1/250

This photo is of Northern's Memorial which sits in the center of campus from the doorway view from Krikac hall.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Artistic Heroes

These are five artists that influenced me with their art.

1. Leonardo DaVinci

Leonardo DaVinci is inspiring because he was talented in so many ways. He was a painter, sculptor. engineer, architect, and scientist. He is most famous for his paintings in Italian Renaissance, one of which is the Mona Lisa.

2. Ansel Adams

I am inspired by Ansel Adams because of his conservation efforts and respect for nature and the natural beauty of our world which he captured in his landscape photography.

3. M.C. Escher

Escher's work is inspiring because his expressions challenge our perception of reality while teasing our brain. I think of his work as brain ticklers.

4. Jim Davis

Jim Davis is an inspiration because he created one of the greatest, coolest, cutest cartoon characters in history, Garfield. This is a character I try to model myself after.

5. Art Wolfe

Art Wolfe's wildlife photography is inspirational because he brings us images of wildlife, people, and environmental issues from all corners of the world. His images do the traveling for you.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Life

My Name : Bobbi Piasecki

Childhood Ambition: To become famous and/or work for NASA.

Fondest Memory: The times spent with my grandmother.

Proudest Moment: The days our two children were born.

Biggest challenge: The days our two children were born.

Alarm Clock: Our Bassett Hound crying mama down the hallway.

Perfect day: A day spent in perfect weather with my family fishing and catching a trophy size fish.

Indulgence: Shopping, sweets, alcohol and horse racing.

Favorite Movie: Caveman with Ringo Starr

Soundtrack: none in particular.

Inspirations: To leave one heck of a mark on this world.

My life is: Full of love and I love being spoiled.

Signature: r

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

welcome to the blog

welcome to my gallery of blogs